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The Velvet Express affiliate program
Joining the affiliate program is easy and free, You get 50% of every sale referred by you! Sign up with the BMTMicro Velvet Express affiliate program here:
(after signing up browse to products, games and diversions, Artmunk, Velvet Express).

*note: If you already are an affiliate of our Lovechess program you can use the same account & affiliate ID for the Velvet Express.

Affiliate program Information
Our affiliate program is tracked, processed and paid out by BMT Micro Inc. We are working with them for all our online transactions, they are a good and trustworthy company. You can be sure they pay out on time your percentage of the sales.

Basically everyone can sign up as an affiliate, except site's that promote or relate to porn with children, bestiality or other indecent and illegal content.

Signing up with the program is easy. Just follow the link to the BMT Micro pages. Sign up there. Click on the Products link and browse to the games section. You will find us on our company name Artmunk or the product name The Velvet Express. Hit the 'Join' button and the sign up is complete.

How does it work?
Every time a visitor, from your website, clicks on the affiliate link to the Velvet Express website there is a cookie set with your affiliate ID in it. This ID is tracked trough the system when the visitor browses our website pages, but also when the visitor returns an other time. When a visitor decides to buy the game the cookie will be used by the BMTMicro system to track the affiliate that referred the visitor. And your share of that sale is added automatically to your account.

Join the affiliate program here:

Promoting The Velvet Express & Banners
From our experience the best way to promote the game, but I guess it is valid for all affiliate programs, is to write something about the game. A small review, a short text with the game highlights, etc... And provide a link from there.

If possible use some screenshots of the game, or a nice banner from the banner collection to go along with the text. Download the banner collection from here. Screenshots of the game can be downloaded from here.

It's usually better to link to the game site instead to send viewer directly to a purchase form.

A link to the game site (front entry) looks like this:
(replace "123456" for your affilate id).

A link to the first page (recommended) looks like this:
(replace "123456" for your affilate id).

We'll catch your code and forward it to the purchase form. You can use the same account AND affiliate ID for both LoveChess and The Velvet Express games.

Joining the affiliate program is easy and free, 50% of every sale referred by you!

BMTMicro Affiliate Signup

Example Banner (120x400)

Velvet Banner Example

Banner Sets
Velvet Express Banner Set
(right click and save)
Explicit Banner Set
(right click and save)
download Screenshots
(right click and save)

Velvet Express is trademarked and copyrighted by Artmunk, The Netherlands